Andy’s work is firmly rooted in the classic tradition. His approach is to maintain proven and reliable principles in his method. Fifty years of refining his skills of design and execution within this discipline allow a freedom and flexibility in responding to the requirements of his clients. Andy is happy to work with anything from “Just build a guitar that will suit me” to “Look, you might think this is crazy but what I have in mind is….”
“Well, sad as it is that we shan’t all be meeting up for our customary tactile experience, it occurred to me that what we do is cutting edge technology. As artisan designer engineers, within a certain price bracket, we can offer something that far exceeds in value what is on offer from the shop bought factory made article involving similar expenditure. Other areas of human requirements and supply are also revealing this phenomenon. And so with our footing, at the same time solid and adaptable, in the current zeitgeist, here we are, both luthiers and musicians, in probably the most far reaching exhibition of hand built guitars and basses the world has ever seen.”
Photo Copyright: Andy Manson